The Institute for Civically Engaged Research

APSA’s Institute for Civically Engaged Research (ICER) is a four-day, residential institute that provides political scientists with training to conduct ethical and rigorous civically engaged research. Up to 20 scholars will be selected as ICER Fellows and invited to attend the 2024 Summer Institute. ICER Fellows will network with other like-minded political scientists, and together, learn best practices for conducting academically robust, mutually beneficial scholarship in collaboration with communities, organizations, and agencies outside of academia.

ICER is organized in partnership with Tufts University’s Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life. The 2024 Institute will be held in person at Tufts University, outside of Boston, MA, June 17-20.

Approximately twenty fellows will meet each day for intensive discussions and workshops. Thanks to support from the Ivywood Foundation, participation in the Institute for Civically Engaged Research is free, housing on the Tufts campus or a stipend to partially offset the cost of a hotel stay will be provided, and scholarships are available to defray costs of meals and travel. Applicants are expected to seek financial support from their home institution, but admission to the Institute will not be affected by financial need.

Note: The Institute will operate according to the recommendations and requirements of federal and local public health authorities. We plan for the Institute to be held in person at Tufts University but reserve the right to change these plans as the public health situation warrants.

Visit the ICER website to learn about the Fellows

“I have gone to a hundred conferences and this is easily among the most professionally rewarding and useful. I am humbled and grateful that I was able to participate.”
2019 Institute Fellow

“ICER surpassed my wildest expectations. It was one of the most mindfully crafted virtual seminars I’ve ever been to. The community was so supportive and kind. I feel like my eyes have been opened to so many different possibilities for CER and my project.”
ICER 2021 Fellow

First, this conference was incredibly inspiring. I have tenure and have pursued a pretty “conventional” approach for most of my research career. But I have been worried that I am somehow unable to conduct more engaged work. This conference has really motivated me. Second, I have cultivated what I hope are durable relationships with great PS scholars. This is especially true of my small group interactions. They are an inspiring bunch.”
ICER 2019 Fellow