
APSA offers a wide variety of advertising options, ranging from program book ads to mobile app banners.  Unable to attend the APSA Annual Meeting in person? You can still have a presence with an ad! 

Deadline to be included in the program book is July 19.

Program Book

Your ad will appear in print and digital versions of the program.  The digital version is available in advance of the meeting, putting your ad in front of attendees even earlier.

Back Cover in Color$2,200
Inside Back Cover$2,000
Inside Front Cover$1,800
Full Page$1,250
Half Page$900

Mobile App

Place a rotating ad in the annual meeting mobile app. ($2,250)

Annual Meeting Website

Place a rotating ad on the annual meeting website. ($1,500)

The Daily

Include your ad in the e-Newsletter sent each morning of the meeting to attendees. ($995/day; 4 days total)

Welcome Email

Place an ad in the know-before-you-go email sent to attendees in advance of the meeting. ($800)